Membership.What is membership with AgEDGE all about?
What Does Membership Involve?
Our members are farming families and agribusinesses located in New South Wales, northern Victoria and southern Queensland. Their enterprises include irrigated and dryland cropping, commercial and stud livestock, rural investing and agribusiness management.
Members are grouped into “boards” - groups of five or six agribusinesses with varying locations, enterprises, personalities and experience levels. Each member reports to the board and engages in a confidential discussion about their business and personal goals, issues, risks and objectives.
The purpose of the Board is to listen, provide feedback, guidance, and strategy, and review each member’s agribusinesses to ensure each member is acting in a manner that will most effectively meet their own goals. All Board members provide input, question strategy and operational tactics, review budgetary figures and, if need be, provide family guidance and personal encouragement.
AgEDGE is managed by its Committee of elected and volunteer members and is supported by a team of highly experienced agribusiness facilitators and benchmarking consultants.
Members are grouped into “boards” - groups of five or six agribusinesses with varying locations, enterprises, personalities and experience levels. Each member reports to the board and engages in a confidential discussion about their business and personal goals, issues, risks and objectives.
The purpose of the Board is to listen, provide feedback, guidance, and strategy, and review each member’s agribusinesses to ensure each member is acting in a manner that will most effectively meet their own goals. All Board members provide input, question strategy and operational tactics, review budgetary figures and, if need be, provide family guidance and personal encouragement.
AgEDGE is managed by its Committee of elected and volunteer members and is supported by a team of highly experienced agribusiness facilitators and benchmarking consultants.
What is the Time Commitment?
Each board meets four times a year -
2 x Two-day meetings – February and August (depending on school holidays), held in central locations
2 x One-day meetings – as arranged by each board, on-farm at a board members property, alternative regional venue or online via video link
o The February meeting is often in Sydney at a large CBD office location, i.e. Bank meeting rooms
o The August meeting is often in a regional centre with adequate group facilities, i.e. Orange or Bathurst
o Both meetings include a relevant guest speaker, and the August meeting incorporates the AgEDGE AGM
Members are required to submit quarterly reports to their boards a week in advance of each meeting.
2 x Two-day meetings – February and August (depending on school holidays), held in central locations
2 x One-day meetings – as arranged by each board, on-farm at a board members property, alternative regional venue or online via video link
o The February meeting is often in Sydney at a large CBD office location, i.e. Bank meeting rooms
o The August meeting is often in a regional centre with adequate group facilities, i.e. Orange or Bathurst
o Both meetings include a relevant guest speaker, and the August meeting incorporates the AgEDGE AGM
Members are required to submit quarterly reports to their boards a week in advance of each meeting.
Member Testimonials
Why You Should Join AgEDGE
Listen to what our members say about what AgEDGE offers...
For more information, please contact our Executive Officer Emanda Bertwistle on 0412 432 133 or [email protected].